1. Marshova, Т. N. Risks of Implementation of National Projects (Using the Example of the National Project “Culture”) / Т. N. Marshova, N. V. Moiseenko. MCU Journal of Economic Studies. 2021. No. 4 (30). Pp. 20–39. DOI 10.25688/2312-6647.2021.30.4.2. (In Russ.).
2. Kravtsova, М. V. The Role of National Projects in Solving Socio-Economic Problems of the State (On the Example of the National Project “Healthcare”). Economics and Management: Scientific and Practical Journal. 2023. No. 2 (170). Pp. 8–13. DOI 10.34773/EU.2023.2.2. (In Russ.).
3. Kondratieva, P. V. Natsional’nyye proyekty Rossii: soderzhaniye, sostav, otsenka realizatsii (natsional’nyy proyekt «Demografiya») [National projects of Russia: content, composition, assessment of implementation (national project “Demography”)] / P. V. Kondratieva, Е. L. Chernenko. In: Sovremennyy spetsialist-professional: teoriya i praktikа [Modern professional specialist: theory and practice] : materials of the 15th international scientific conference / ex. ed. by V. А. Ivanova, P. А. Kosenkova. Moscow, 2023. Pp. 248–250. (In Russ.).
4. Kuznetsova, О. P. Realizatsiya natsional’nykh proyektov v sfere obrazovaniya: analiz, problemy, osnovnyye napravleniya transformatsii mekhanizma realizatsii natsional’nykh proyektov [Implementation of national projects in the field of education: analysis, problems, main directions of transformation of the mechanism for implementing national projects] / О. P. Kuznetsova, О. V. Mordkovich, I. Yu. Kuleeva. In: Rol’ natsional’nykh proyektov v ekonomicheskom razvitii Omskoy oblasti [The role of national projects in the economic development of the Omsk Region] : proceedings of the Interuniversity scientific and practical conference (Omsk, June 17, 2021) / ed. by О. P. Kuznetsova [et al.]. Omsk : OmSTU Publishing House, 2021. Pp. 58–66. ISBN 978-5-8149-3396-6. (In Russ.).
5. Starodubov, V. I. Evaluating Justification of Choice for Priority Directions in the Field of Biomedicine in the National Project “Science” / V. I. Starodubov, F. А. Kurakov, N. G. Kurakova, L. А. Tsvetkova, Yu. V. Polyakova. Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2019. No. 6. Pp. 119–124. DOI 10.17116/hirurgia2019061119. (In Russ.).