Тtransformation of social-labor relations under the influence of digitalization of the economy


Dokholyan Sergey1ORCID


1. Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population of the FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia


The article examines the essence of the concept of «transformation of social and labor relations» and the nature of the influence of digitalization of the economy on it; directions of the changes in labor activity in the conditions of formation of an information-network economy are identified; changes in the forms of employment in the context of formation of the «gig economy» sector are substantiated; features of the functioning of digital platforms as a new type of basic economic institution and scale of the influence of digital technologies on labor activity are identified; contours of the changes in the formation of labor costs as a consequence of a change in the owners of the means of production are outlined; the essence of digital capital has been explored; multidirectional nature of the processes that shape the demand and supply of labor in the domestic labor market has been studied and substantiated. Based on the theories of transformation of systems and labor economics, the concept of «transformation of labor activity» is defined as changes in social and labor relations that arise in the process of creating new value and reproduction of labor force. It is proposed to distinguish two levels of research into the transformation of work activity under the influence of digital technologies, namely: a general for economic environment and a specific for labor market that made it possible to further determine the directions of its changes using the abstraction method. For the first level, which identifies the determinants of general shifts in the economic environment, it is proposed to highlight such features as: transition from an industrial-market to an information-network economy; formation of the gig economy; formation of digital platforms. For the second level, which is specific to labor market, the signs of transformation processes are: creating conditions for growth of the organic structure of capital; changes in the formation of labor cost components; formation of digital capital; multidirectional character of the processes that shape supply and demand in the labor market. The blocks by which it is advisable to study the effectiveness of using digital platforms may be: production costs; quality of products, works, services; use of working time; level and quality of electronic commerce; level of economic relations; quality of access to information.


Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS)


General Materials Science

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