Impact of labor migration on human capital and GRP of Russian regions


Tukhtarova Evgenia1ORCID


1. Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Finance, Economics and Management of Togliatti State University, Ekaterinburg, Russia


The article presents an analysis of the impact of external labor migration on human capital and GRP that indirectly reflects the labor demand in Russian regions. The results of the study showed the contradictions that have developed in the Russian regions: demand for skilled labor and shortage of labor resources, which is covered by low-skilled labor migration. As a result, a negative trend is developing — segmentation of labor markets in regions where two parallel demands for skilled and low-skilled labor are formed. The study recorded a positive relationship between the number of migrant workers and GRP, which indicates a steady demand for foreign labor force (FLF). Along with this, the impact of migrant workers on human capital in the Russian regions has undergone significant changes, and not all regions have received and receive a positive contribution from foreign labor force. Also, the results of the study confirmed not only the important role of labor migration for human capital, but also confirmed the hypothesis that labor migration has a positive impact on human capital by enhancing its qualitative characteristics in difficult or critical moments of the development of Russian regions, and therefore the demand for labor migration will continue in the medium term. In essence, labor migration, human capital and GRP are communicating vessels. The conclusion is made about underestimation of the program of voluntary compatriots' resettlement, which had a positive effect on the development of regional economies in 2014. In view of this, the author believes that the program needs a serious revision in order to attract skilled labor migration and increase the human potential of the country.


Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS)


General Materials Science

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