1. Shabunova A. A., Morev M. V., Kondakova N. A. Zdorov'je detej: itogi pjatnadtsatiletnego monitoringa [Children's Health: Results of Fifteen Years of Monitoring]. Institut sotsial'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitija territorij RAN [Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of the Russian Academy of Sciences]. Vologda. 2012. 262 p. (in Russ.)
2. Shabunova A. A. Kachestvo novogo pokolenija [Next generation quality] Narodonaselenie [Population]. 2012. No. 3(57). P. 83-90. (in Russ.)
3. Rimashevskaya N. M., Breeva E. B., Shabunova A. A., Barsukova R. T. Monitoring podrastajushchego pokolenija: tendentsii i osobennosti razvitija [Monitoring the rising generation: trends and features of development]. Narodonaselenie [Population]. 2007. No. 1(35). P. 18-31. (in Russ.)
4. Rimashevskaya N. M., Breeva E. B., Shabunova A. A. Zdorov'je detej: tendentsii i perspektivy [Children's Health: Trends and Prospects]. Narodonaselenie [Population]. 2008. No. 3(41). P. 4-16. (in Russ.)
5. Molodezh' sovremennoj Rossii — kljuchevoj resurs modernizatsii [The Youth of Modern Russia as a Key Resource for Modernization]. Ed. A. A. Shabunova. Institut sotsial'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitija territorij RAN. [Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of the Russian Academy of Sciences]. Vologda. 2013. 151 p. (in Russ.)