Social activity and social responsibility in the ideas and practices of modern youth


Kostina Elena1,Orlova Nadezhda




Currently, the search for groups and individuals that can become the driving force behind the development of modern Russian society is relevant on the social agenda. Traditionally, it is the youth that is seen as a social group, devoid of the burden of the past and focused on innovation, transformation and reform. Today's young people live in a very contradictory world, facing greater social problems than other age cohorts faced previously. Thus, the realities of a market economy and the globalisation of social processes and interactions are superimposed on the values and ideas of freedom of choice, self-realisation, success in life, as well as the desire to actively participate in the society life. The question of the willingness of young people to bear social responsibility for the chosen forms and ways of influencing social processes and phenomena remains open, since responsibility for innovations being introduced is the other side of social and civic activity. The article presents an analysis of the data obtained by the authors in the course of a sociological study of the social, civic activity of young people, as well as the social responsibility of representatives of this socio-demographic group. The research project was implemented in December 2020 in the form of a questionnaire survey of the youth of Primorsky region, as well as in-depth interviews. It is emphasised that of particular importance in the study of this issue are the regional dimension of the life positions of young people, in the field of social activity in general, in understanding and comprehending the civic activity of their generation, in particular, and in assessing their own position in the coordinates of inclusion-exclusion. Attention is focused on the need for such a dialogue between society, government and youth, that is not limited to declarations, but is based on the mandatory development of mechanisms for involving youth groups in socially responsible practices, on stimulating specific youth initiatives, project and creative activities.


Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS)

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