The Expanding Universe: at the Crossroads of Historical and Scientific Concepts (to the 100th Anniversary of the Discovery of A. A. Fridman)


Vizgin Vladimir1


1. S. I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the RAS, Moscow, Russia


The article is devoted to the centenary of a discovery by A. A. Fridman of the expanding Universe theory, which was rightly assessed by the scientific community as a scientific and universal feat. This discovery and its perception by the scientific community are considered in the article on the basis of various historiographic concepts: traditional scientific and scientificbiographical approaches, the epistemology of virtues, mistakability concept of the development of scientific knowledge, etc. These considerations all made it possible to betterunderstand the triumph and tragedy of the great discovery.


Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS)

Reference34 articles.

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