1. Independent researcher, Moscow, Russia
The article presents the details of ideas and proposals announced by the author in 2021 within the framework of the round table of the “Science Management: Theory and Practice” journal (on the topic “Science in an Innovative Economy”). The proposed measures are considered as increasingly relevant in the face of the long-term confrontation with the ‘collective West’, which is striving for scientific and economic isolation of contemporary Russia, as well as in relation to the national goals and objectives set by the country’s leadership for the period up to 2036.
The second part of the article deals with the structural as well as administrative and legal features of the Russian science and technology complex. It numbers over four thousand organizations that carry out research and development activities in substantially separate sectors of “civil” and “defense” science.
As a result, a proposal is submitted to the readers to integrate research and development that produce new fundamental scientific knowledge, end-to-end high-tech technologies and relevant intellectual activity results in the interests of socio-economic development, the national defense and security of the state in a specialized state corporation by giving it the authority to regulate scientific research and technological activities, including those in relation to the rest of the bulk of Russian research organizations of different branches.
It is proposed to implement a thoroughgoing reform in the field of Russian science by adoption of appropriate new federal laws.
Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS)
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