1. Sustainable Innovation and Technology Foundation, Y. Altynsarin National Education Academy, Astana, Kazakhstan
Indices are widely included in the tools of modern scientometrics. However, there is no reliable numerical criterion for distinguishing between the assessment of the level of various candidate or PhD dissertations, despite the huge differences, sometimes hundreds times, in impact indicators of journals in which work of different doctorates is published. The article discusses brutto evaluation at an early stage of research activity in a wider discourse using the example of a simple scientometric index of publications, ab-index. Case of its calculation, analysis of its features, role in stimulating and ensuring coverage, connection with research impact, comparison with Hirsch index, and recommendations for its use are given. We provide facts, data, reasons, invite to discussion, and illustrate that some indexes have a useful advisory function only if their status is indicated, their scope of applicability is delicately outlined, their place in the overall structure and processes is indicated, discrimination based on one or another index value is eliminated, and appropriate compensatory or transformational measures are deployed to development of scientific and technological ecosystem, instead ofengaging in the production of more indicators, characterized as a mechanism for suppressing knowledge, technologies, and competencies.
Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS)
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3 articles.