1. HSE University, Moscow, Russia
The article discusses the problem of regulating the development and use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. The genesis of AI technology is considered. It is shown that the initially accepted definition of AI as a set of methods for modeling human mental functions using computer programs does not correspond to the real focus of research studies due to insufficient knowledge and incomplete understanding of the mechanisms of higher nervous activity. In reality, we should be talking about creating a cognitive technological device. Its methods are capable of realizing all types of human creative activity without repeating or reproducing the functioning mechanisms of the human brain. If a solution to such a problem turns out to be successful, then this will entail the need for a complete revision of the existential positions of man and humanity in all spheres of life, including the value basis of modern civilization.
Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS)
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