Professional Standard “Demographer” as a Key Mechanism for Managing the Development of Human Resources in the Field of People Saving


Rostovskaya Tamara1ORCID,Zolotareva Olga1ORCID


1. Institute for Demographic Research FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation


The article substantiates the usefulness of the development and adoption of the professional standard “Demographer” in the aspect of its significance for scientific-methodological, expert-analytical support for the development and implementation of priority national projects and programs in the field of demographic and socio-economic development of Russia. The purpose of the article is to reveal the directions and mechanisms of the development and application of the professional standard “Demographer”. The implemented content analysis of the approved / current regulations and documents revealed a vacuum in the field of training demographers, which is determined by the lack of appropriate standards, both professional and educational. Generalization, analysis and synthesis of fundamental knowledge about the subject area gave strong grounds to believe that in modern conditions of aggravation of demographic threats to the national security of the country, it is extremely necessary to train professional personnel – “demographers” who own specialized demographic technologies and are able to scientifically soundly develop effective measures in the field of ensuring demographic security. Factological and structural-functional analysis, a systematic approach to identifying the specifics of demography as a science and practical activity made it possible to more substantively present the conceptual foundations for the formation of a new model of human resources in the field of demographic development, people-saving, which is based on the professional standard “Demographer”. In January 2021, on an initiative basis, the developers represented by IDI FCTAS RAS and the Scientific Council “Demographic and Migration Problems of Russia” launched the process of developing the professional standard “Demographer” and formed a working group. The presented mechanism for the development of the draft professional standard “Demographer” includes the current state of research on this issue; analysis of the existing demographic situation, information on the prospects for the development of the type of professional activity of the demographer; discussion of comments and suggestions received from the expert community in the process of public discussion in a professional environment; finalization of the draft professional standard, taking into account the comments of the Council on professional qualifications in the field of labor safety, social protection and employment of the population.


Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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