Virtual Socio-Cultural Worlds on Open Internet Platforms


Adamyants Tamara1ORCID


1. Institute of Sociology of the FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation


The possibility of direct communication between a huge number of non-public people on the open Internet platform, coupled with the ability to observe this process, which is being implemented by even more people, is the catalyst for the emergence of virtual socio-cultural worlds – conditional groups that are united by a single meaning and value field. Motive-target analysis of comments and feedback on comments on the open Internet platform “Zen” showed that one of the key semantic messages, which encourages a huge number of our compatriots to respond on the Internet and thus the manifestation of the most significant, essential points of their worldview, is the leitmotif of the importance of moral values and the requirements of their conformity at all levels of social and personal life. The mass participation of our compatriots in communication interactions on open Internet platforms is a variant of civic participation in its new, modern form, in which optimal conditions for self-determination, social adaptation and socialization arise. The key to the social significance of the meanings “living” here are the key supports for a person and society associated with traditional moral values, ideas and traditions. Control by state regulatory structures over the criteria for assessing blogs that analyze socio-political events and problems seems appropriate and socially significant. The reasons for their closure (“banning”) should be understandable, reasonable and transparent for all participants in communication interactions.


Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

Reference13 articles.

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