Institutionalisation of social risks of digitalisation of the educational space of universities in the provincial cities of Russia


Babintsev Valentin1ORCID,Serkina Yana1ORCID


1. Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia


The article analyses the problem of institutionalisation of social risks of digitalisation of the educational space of universities in the Russian provinces. The risk- generating nature of digitalisation is emphasised, the conclusion about risk as digitalisation systemic element, that includes not only threats, but also significant opportunities for development, is substantiated. The task of managing risk genesis is formulated, the neces sary condition of which is the institutionalisation of risks. The institutionalisation of social risks of digitalisation of the educational space of universities in the provincial cit ies of Russia is interpreted as a system of actions of actors in the educational space taken to prevent undesirable consequences of the risks of digitisation and digitalisation and to use their creative potential, including the establishment of corporate norms and behavioural standards, the definition of structures that ensure their implementation in risk situations. Three main tasks of institutionalisation are considered: definition of norms and rules of risk management; formation of institutions implementing it; development and implementation of corporate standards of behaviour in risk situations.


Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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