1. Ariès F. Chelovek pered litsom smerti. [The hour of our death.] Transl. from French by V.K. Ronin; Ed. by S.V. Obolenskaiya; Foreword by A.Ya. Gurevich. Moscow: Progress publ.; Progress-Academia publ., 1992. 526 p. (In Russ.)
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4. Grof S., Halifax J. The Human Encounter With Death. [Russ. ed.: Chelovek pered litsom smerti. Transl. from Eng. by A. Nekless. Moscow: Transpersonal Institute publ.; Kiev: Airland publ., 1996. 244 p.]
5. Gurevich A.Ya. Death as a problem of historical anthropology: on new direction in foreign historiography. Odissei: chelovek v istorii. 1989: Issledovaniya po sotsial’noi istorii i istorii kul’tury. [Odysseus: A human in history. 1989: Research on social history and history of culture.] P. 114–135. Accessed 30.06.2022. URL: http://anthropology.rchgi.spb.ru/forum/gurevich.htm (In Russ.)