Transitioning to Individual Learning Paths in the Opinions of Students and Teachers: the Case of the University of Tyumen


Gavrilyuk Tatyana1ORCID,Pogodaeva Taisia1


1. University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia


The aim of this study is to measure and evaluate the application of personalized learning technology based on the system of individual educational paths at the University of Tyumen. In order to collect and analyze the data, the strategy of mix-methods was applied, which allows both for identifying the most common trends in the opinions of the subjects of educational space, and for obtaining detailed interpretations of the ongoing changes. The purpose of the study is to identify the opinions held by the key subjects of education when it comes to educational activity content and technologies, the benefits and risks of individual learning paths and the traditional way of teaching. Interviews with teachers demonstrate that in assessing the positive aspects of the transition to individual learning paths, such aspects have been taken note of as the possibility of focusing on one’s own interests, increased motivation and desire for professional development in a competitive environment, as well as simplification of reporting as a result of digitization. What teachers are apprehensive about is a decline in the fundamental nature of training and the de-professionalization of students, the collapse of stable social ties and identities of teachers, subpar living conditions due to continuous spatial mobility, and uncertainty when it comes to workload. The study showed that a fifth of students are not satisfied with the learning outcomes under new conditions and experience difficulty adapting in mixed groups with other students of different specialties. The variability and individualization of education is not yet a priority for students enrolled in traditional programs. Students pursuing individual study paths do not realize the many advantages the new system provides when it comes to forming the personal qualities necessary for successful selfrealization, due to them lacking the opportunity to compare their form of education to what is considered traditional.


Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS)


General Social Sciences

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