1. HSE University, Moscow, Russia
The second half of the 20th century saw multiple directions of consumer research emerge in sociology, including a cultural turn, a material turn, a practical turn, a turn towards sustainability, and a digital turn. These turns indicate trends in sociological thought, which arise with increasing speed and overlap each other. On the one hand, these directions build upon ideas about consumption brought forth by the classics of economic theory and sociology, and on the other hand they constantly attempt to critically comprehend basic concepts and fill them with new meaning.
The purpose of the article is to expand on the concept of consumption by reviewing the historical evolution of views on this concept in sociology of the 20–21 centuries. It first considers the integral definitions of consumption presented by contemporary sociologists (V. Radaev, E.R. McDonnell, A. Warde). From there it outlines the basic views on consumption held by classics of sociology (K. Marx, G. Simmel, T. Veblen, M. Weber, the Frankfurt School, P. Bourdieu). Finally, sociological approaches towards consumption that appeared during the second half of the 20th century are examined.
A review of key approaches towards consumption demonstrates how the concept of consumption has consistently acquired new meanings and contexts, also acquiring an internal independent logic and transforming into a multidimensional concept in sociology. The paper covers a broad timeline and is based on key sociological works, without claiming to be able to comprehensively describe them. Also this paper does not consider the Russian tradition of research.
Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS)
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