Platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome
Reference5 articles.
1. Tsuzuki I, Iigaya K, Matsubara T et al. Platypnea-Orthodeoxia Syndrome in the Right Lateral Decubitus Position: A Case Report. J Med Case Rep. 2017;11(1):109.
2. Klein M, Kiefer T, Velazquez E. Platypnea-Orthodeoxia Syndrome: To Shunt or Not to Shunt, That is the Question. Tex Heart Inst J. 2016;43(3):264-6.
3. Henkin S, Negrotto S, Pollak P, Cullen M, O'Cochlain D, Wright R. Platypnea-Orthodeoxia Syndrome: Diagnostic Challenge and the Importance of Heightened Clinical Suspicion. Tex Heart Inst J. 2015;42(5):498-501.
4. Salvetti M, Zotti D, Bazza A et al. Platypnea and Orthodeoxia in a Patient with Pulmonary Embolism. Am J Emerg Med. 2013;31(4):760.e1-2.
5. Agrawal A, Palkar A, Talwar A. The Multiple Dimensions of Platypnea-Orthodeoxia Syndrome: A Review. Respir Med. 2017;129:31-8.