
Shushardzhan Sergey1,Eremina Natalya1


1. Academy of Medical Rehabilitation, Clinical Psychology and Music Therapy


This article reflects the results of an original study on the effects of musical-acoustic signals on cellular immunity. These studies are a logical continuation of a series of experiments with blood in an acoustic field in Vitro, begun in 2003. As a result, a new method was identified and patented for activating the growth of leukocyte mass and complex correction of blood composition using a regenerative algorithm of musical-acoustic influences. Its use made it possible to increase the number of neutrophils by 4.7 times, lymphocytes by 3.9 times, and immature granulocytes by 18.3 times within just one hour. In 2022, it was decided to conduct a pilot study of the dynamics of lymphocyte cell composition after acoustic interventions. Interest in cellular immunity is explained by its critical role in maintaining homeostasis, including in the fight against infectious and oncological diseases. The experiment used a special music therapy program, the broadcast of which was carried out in two ways: 1) direct intervention through sound speakers on venous blood in test tubes (in Vitro) and 2) separately, through receptive audio influence. When analyzing the results obtained, a tendency was revealed towards correction of the lymphocytic cellular composition of the blood with increased immune reactions: T-lymphocytes, natural «killer» cells, and strengthening the balance of active 4+ and cytotoxic 8+ immunity. An unexpected result should include activation of cellular immunity of comparable significance, which was detected with both methods of influence: direct exposure to sound in blood in test tubes and audio listening to the program. There is no doubt about the need for further research into the mechanisms of cellular and Psychophysiological reactions to musical and acoustic influences. It will become the basis for the development of effective methods of immunological correction and regenerative biotechnologies of a new generation, with subsequent widespread use in various fields of medicine, agriculture, and other spheres of society.


Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine, Clinical Psychology and Music Therapy LLC

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