1. Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie
Assuming that the energy density of super-heavy particles matches
that of dark matter observed today, tight constraints on the couplings
governing the decay process are presented as a function of the particle
mass. These constraints are obtained from the lack of signatures that
would be suggestive of decaying super-heavy
particles in the data of the Pierre Auger Observatory. In particular,
instanton-induced decay processes allow us to derive a bound on the
reduced coupling constant of gauge interactions in the dark sector:
\alpha_X \lesssim 0.09αX≲0.09,
for 10^{9} \lesssim M_X/\mathrm{GeV} < 10^{19}109≲MX/GeV<1019.
Cosmological aspects for super-heavy dark matter production during the
reheating epoch are discussed.