1. Instituto Politécnico Nacional
The flavor violating leptonic decays of the
and \muμ
leptons into three lighter charged leptons are revisited in the
framework the Standard Model with massive neutrinos. In contrast to the
previous prediction, we have found strongly suppressed rates for the
\tau^-\to \mu^- \ell^+ \ell^-τ−→μ−ℓ+ℓ−
(\ell=\mu, eℓ=μ,e)
decays. Our results are in good agreement with the approximation of
neglecting masses and momenta of the external particles in the loop
integrals made in the first computation for the
\mu^- \to e^-e^+ e^-μ−→e−e+e−
Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología