1. High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
2. Zhengzhou University
Chiral-odd gluon transversity distribution
could shed light on a new aspect of hadron physics.
Although we had much progress recently on
quark transversity distributions, there is no experimental measurement
on the gluon transversity. The gluon trasversity does not exist
in the spin-1/2 nucleons and it exists in the spin-1 deuteron.
Therefore, it could probe new hadron physics in the deuteron
beyond the basic bound system of a proton and a neutron
because the nucleons cannot contribute directly.
Here, we explain that the gluon transversity can be measured
at hadron accelerator facilities, such as Fermilab and NICA,
in addition to charged-lepton scattering measurements
at lepton accelerator facilities by showing cross sections
of the proton-deuteron Drell-Yan process as an example.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
National Natural Science Foundation of China