1. Grenoble Alpes University
2. Paul Scherrer Institute
The existence of a nonzero permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) of
the neutron would reveal a new source of CP violation and shed light on
the origin of the matter–antimatter asymmetry of the Universe. The
sensitivity of current experiments using stored ultracold neutrons (UCN)
probe new physics beyond the TeV scale. Using the UCN source at the Paul
Scherrer Institut, the nEDM collaboration has performed the most
sensitive measurement of the neutron EDM to date, still compatible with
zero (|d_n|<1.8\times 10^{-26} \, e {cm}|dn|<1.8×10−26ecm,
C.L.,90%). A new experiment designed to improve the sensitivity by an
order of magnitude, n2EDM, is currently under construction.
Cited by
5 articles.