1. University of Virginia
In common with a number of simple processes involving elementary
particles, charged pion decays are profoundly shaped by applicable
Standard Model (SM) symmetries and properties. Given the highly precise
SM theoretical description, pion decays are used as selective probes of
SM parameters, and of possible SM extensions. The PEN experiment at PSI
is studying the \pi^+ \to e^+\nu_e(\gamma)π+→e+νe(γ),
or \pi_{e2(\gamma)}πe2(γ)
decay. The primary goal is to reach the relative precision of
5 \times 10^{-4}5×10−4
in R_{e/\mu}^\piRe/μπ,
the branching ratio for \pi_{e2(\gamma)}πe2(γ)
decay. We review the PEN research program, its present status, and
National Science Foundation
Paul Scherrer Institut
Russian Foundation for Basic Research
Cited by
2 articles.
1. The pion beta and radiative electronic decays;SciPost Physics Proceedings;2021-09-06
2. A theory vade mecum for PSI experiments;SciPost Physics Proceedings;2021-09-06