1. Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics
2. Dresden University of Technology
Frustrated one-dimensional (1D) magnets are known as ideal
playgrounds for new exotic quantum phenomena to emerge. We consider an
elementary frustrated 1D system: the spin-\frac{1}{2}12
ferromagnetic (J_1J1)
Heisenberg chain with next-nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic
interactions. On the basis of density-matrix renormalization group
calculations we show the existence of a finite spin gap at
and we find the ground state in this region to be a valence bond solid
(VBS) with spin-singlet dimerization between third-neighbor sites. The
VBS is the consequence of spontaneous symmetry breaking through order by
disorder. Quite interestingly, this VBS state has a
Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki-type topological order. This is the first
example of a frustrated spin chain in which quantum fluctuations induce
gapped topological order.
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Cited by
17 articles.