Motivated by recent discoveries of flow-like effects in pp
collisions, and noting that multiple string systems can form and
hadronize simultaneously in such collisions, we develop a simple model
for the repulsive interaction between two Lund strings with a positive
(colour-oriented) overlap in rapidity. The model is formulated in
momentum space and is based on a postulate of a constant net transverse
momentum being acquired per unit of overlap along a common rapidity
direction. To conserve energy, the strings shrink in the longitudinal
direction, essentially converting a portion of the string invariant mass
into p_\perp^2p⊥2
for constant m_\perp^2 = m^2 + p_\perp^2m⊥2=m2+p⊥2
for each string. The reduction in string invariant mass implies a
reduced overall multiplicity of produced hadrons; the increase in
is local and only affects hadrons in the overlapping region. Starting
from the simplest case of two symmetric and parallel strings with
massless endpoints, we generalize to progressively more complicated
configurations. We present an implementation of this model in the Pythia
event generator and use it to illustrate the effects on hadron
distributions and dihadron azimuthal correlations, contrasting it with
the current version of the “shoving” model implemented in the same
Australian Research Council
Horizon 2020
General Physics and Astronomy
Cited by
5 articles.