1. Niels Bohr Institute
2. Technical University of Denmark
3. Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford
Reconstructions of the primordial power spectrum (PPS) of curvature
perturbations from cosmic microwave background anisotropies and
large-scale structure data suggest that the usually assumed power-law
PPS has localised features (up to \sim 10\%∼10%
in amplitude), although of only marginal significance in the framework
of \LambdaΛCDM
cosmology. On the other hand if the cosmology is taken to be Einstein-de
Sitter, larger features in the PPS (up to \sim
in amplitude) are required to accurately fit the observed acoustic
peaks. Within the context of single clock inflation, we show that any
given reconstruction of the PPS can be mapped on to functional
parameters of the underlying effective theory of the adiabatic mode
within a 2nd-order formalism, provided the best fit fractional change of
the PPS,
is such that (\Delta{P}_{R}/{P}_{R})^3(ΔPR/PR)3
falls within the 1\,\sigma1σ
confidence interval of the reconstruction for features induced by
variations of either the sound speed c_\mathrm{s}cs
or the slow-roll parameter \epsilonϵ.
Although there is a degeneracy amongst these functional parameters (and
the models that project onto them), we can identify simple
representative inflationary models that yield such features in the PPS.
Thus we provide a dictionary (more accurately, a thesaurus) to go from
observational data, via the reconstructed PPS, to models that reproduce
them to per cent level precision.
Danmarks Grundforskningsfond
General Physics and Astronomy
Cited by
7 articles.