1. University of Oxford
2. National Institute for Nuclear Physics
3. University of Pisa
4. Los Alamos National Laboratory
Fixed points in three dimensions described by conformal field
theories with \ensuremath{M N}_{m,n} = O(m)^n\rtimes S_nMNm,n=O(m)n⋊Sn
global symmetry have extensive applications in critical phenomena.
Associated experimental data for m=n=2m=n=2
suggest the existence of two non-trivial fixed points, while the
expansion predicts only one, resulting in a puzzling state of affairs. A
recent numerical conformal bootstrap study has found two kinks for small
values of the parameters mm
and nn,
with critical exponents in good agreement with experimental
determinations in the m=n=2m=n=2
case. In this paper we investigate the fate of the corresponding fixed
points as we vary the parameters mm
and nn.
We find that one family of kinks approaches a perturbative limit as
increases, and using large spin perturbation theory we construct a large
expansion that fits well with the numerical data. This new expansion,
akin to the large NN
expansion of critical O(N)O(N)
models, is compatible with the fixed point found in the
expansion. For the other family of kinks, we find that it persists only
for n=2n=2,
where for large mm
it approaches a non-perturbative limit with
\Delta_\phi\approx 0.75Δϕ≈0.75.
We investigate the spectrum in the case \ensuremath{M N}_{100,2}MN100,2
and find consistency with expectations from the lightcone bootstrap.
European Research Council
Los Alamos National Laboratory
United States Department of Energy
General Physics and Astronomy
Cited by
12 articles.