1. Perimeter Institute
2. Deutsche Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
3. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
It is well established that the O(N)O(N)
Wilson-Fisher (WF) CFT sits at a kink of the numerical bounds from
bootstrapping four point function of O(N)O(N)
vector. Moving away from the WF kinks, there indeed exists another
family of kinks (dubbed non-WF kinks) on the curve of
numerical bounds. Different from the O(N)O(N)
WF kinks that exist for arbitary NN
in 2<d<42<d<4
dimensions, the non-WF kinks exist in arbitrary dimensions but only for
a large enough N>N_c(d)N>Nc(d)
in a given dimension dd.
In this paper we have achieved a thorough understanding for few special
cases of these non-WF kinks, which already hints interesting physics.
The first case is the O(4)O(4)
bootstrap in 2d, where the non-WF kink turns out to be the
Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) model, and all the
WZW models saturate the numerical bound on the left side of the kink.
This is a mirror version of the Z_2Z2
bootstrap, where the 2d Ising CFT sits at a kink while all the other
minimal models saturating the bound on the right. We further carry out
dimensional continuation of the 2d SU(2)_1SU(2)1
kink towards the 3d SO(5)SO(5)
deconfined phase transition. We find the kink disappears at around
dimensions indicating the SO(5)SO(5)
deconfined phase transition is weakly first order. The second
interesting observation is, the O(2)O(2)
bootstrap bound does not show any kink in 2d
but is surprisingly saturated by the 2d free boson CFT (also called
Luttinger liquid) all the way on the numerical curve. The last case is
the N=\inftyN=∞
limit, where the non-WF kink sits at (\Delta_\phi, \Delta_T)=(d-1, 2d)(Δϕ,ΔT)=(d−1,2d)
in dd
dimensions. We manage to write down its analytical four point function
in arbitrary dimensions, which equals to the subtraction of correlation
functions of a free fermion theory and generalized free theory. An
important feature of this solution is the existence of a full tower of
conserved higher spin current. We speculate that a new family of CFTs
will emerge at non-WF kinks for finite NN,
in a similar fashion as O(N)O(N)
WF CFTs originating from free boson at N=\inftyN=∞.
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
European Research Council
Ministry of Research and Innovation
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung
General Physics and Astronomy
Cited by
17 articles.