1. University of Salerno
2. University of Pisa
3. Coventry University
4. Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”
5. Institute for Complex Systems
6. National Institute for Nuclear Physics
We study the kinetics after a low temperature quench of the
one-dimensional Ising model with long range interactions between spins
at distance rr
decaying as r^{-\alpha}r−α.
For \alpha =0α=0,
i.e. mean field, all spins evolve coherently quickly driving the system
towards a magnetised state. In the weak long range regime with
\alpha >1α>1
there is a coarsening behaviour with competing domains of opposite sign
without development of magnetisation. For strong long range,
i.e. 0<\alpha <10<α<1,
we show that the system shows both features, with probability
P_\alpha (N)Pα(N)
of having the latter one, with the different limiting behaviours
\lim _{N\to \infty}P_\alpha (N)=0limN→∞Pα(N)=0
(at fixed \alpha<1α<1)
and \lim _{\alpha \to 1}P_\alpha (N)=1limα→1Pα(N)=1
(at fixed finite NN).
We discuss how this behaviour is a manifestation of an underlying
dynamical scaling symmetry due to the presence of a single
characteristic time \tau _\alpha (N)\sim N^\alphaτα(N)∼Nα.
Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca
Royal Society
General Physics and Astronomy
Cited by
8 articles.