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2. Khazieva Nataliia O. (2014). Virtual reality as a space of socialization: (socio-philosophical analysis of the problem): dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Philosophy: 09.00.11 – social philosophy / Khazieva N. O.; Kazan Federal University. – Kazan, 142 p.
3. Khazieva Nataliia O. (2017). From One Ontology to the Set of All Possible// Journal of history culture and art research. – Vol.6, Is.5. – Pp. 99-104. https://doi.org/10.7596/taksad.v6i5.1302
4. Khazieva Nataliia O. (2017). Sociocultural world of post-Soviet Russia as a project and a reality // Culture in the context of globalization view from Russia: monograph / collective of authors; Ed. A.N. Chumakov. – Moscow: KNORUS, Pp. 186-199.
5. Khazieva, N., Khaziev, A., Klyushina, E. (2018). Digital Society: The Experience of the Philosophical Understanding of a Problem. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 7(4), 347-353. https://doi.org/10.7596/taksad.v7i4.1856