1. Transneftstroy Co. Ltd
2. Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
3. Tula State University
4. Bauman Moscow State Technical University
The possibilities of computer engineering analysis of special features of double-sided multi-arc welding of vertical joints of tanks with thick shells for storing oil and oil products are shown. The analysis was carried out on the basis of a numerical implementation of the unconventional physical and mathematical model of the formation of a melt pool and a weld seam with two pairs of arcs on each side of the joint with a double-sided bevel. It was established that during weld formation with the movement of the electrode down (vertical down), the possibility of supplying the first pair of arcs with pulsed current should be taken into account, and for the second pairs, the possibility of lateral oscillation of the arcs in the groove with delays at the edges. During groove filling with the movement of the electrodes up (vertical up), their lateral oscillations and delays at the edges should be carried out according to an aperiodic law in order to minimize the effects of “magnetic blow”. For root formation, it is recommended to use pulsed welding, and during groove filling - high current welding with low welding speed. The results of the study can be used in the formation of scientifically-based requirements for the welding process and equipment for double-sided multi-arc welding of the vertical joints of tanks for storing oil and oil products.
Volgograd State Technical University
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