On the Question of the Place of Health Value in the System of Value Orientations of an Individual Research


Bolshakova Anastasia1ORCID,Perevozna Tetiana1ORCID,Videnieiev Igor1ORCID


1. Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine


The article presents one of the aspects of a comprehensive study of the system of value formations of an individual. The aim of the article is to study the place of health value in the system of value orientations of an individual with the analysis of the conscious and unconscious attitudes of subjects to this value, as well as their perception of the place of health in the system of significant spheres of life and reality. The following were used: the method of "Value" and "Accessibility" in different spheres of life O.B. Fantalova, Color test of relationships O.M. Etkind and Repertoire J. Kelly's test of role constructs. The study group consisted of 70 people aged 20 to 50 years old. The results of the study show that the value of "health" is an organic component of the value system, which is harmoniously related to work, business qualities, intellectual achievements, material well-being, and personal life. In addition, the subjects recorded a fairly balanced harmonious attitude to the value of health in its conscious and unconscious aspects. At the same time, the value of "health" demonstrates a meaningful connection and interdependence with the values that reflect material well-being and intimate-personal relationships in the "picture of the world" of the subjects. According to the results, in the minds of the subjects between health and values such as intellectual achievement; work and business qualities; the degree of satisfaction with own "I" and the factor of the development of own existence in time, there are certain meaningful connections, but not strong enough in their motivating potential. At the same time, there is a contradiction between the value of health and compliance with social expectations and an active attitude to life. This contradiction reflects the lack of active life position in our society to maintain and increase health as our own life resource. Further study of attitude to the value of health will help to understand the value-based features of individual well-being.


V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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