Studing of English economic terminology: prospects and challenges for students of economic faculties


Kondratyuk M.1ORCID


1. Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine


The article examines current aspects of English language learning by students of economics faculties. It particularly focuses on the transition from general literary vocabulary to specialized professional terminology. The research combines several methods: analysis of modern approaches to studying professional terminology, assessment of the effectiveness of various English teaching methods in economics faculties, and surveys involving both applicants and instructors. The author substantiates the importance of cultivating professional competence through terminology acquisition and the utilization of authentic materials such as the Harvard Review and Forbes. Proposals include integrating modules dedicated to studying English terminology within professional disciplines and introducing optional English courses to compensate for the shortage of hours allocated to English language instruction in senior courses. Survey results highlight studentsʼ keen interest in mastering English professional terminology and their willingness to engage in project-based learning. Identified challenges include the high cost of educational materials and curriculum overload, with suggestions to leverage internet resources and modern educational tools. Emphasis is placed on the necessity of a comprehensive approach to English language education for economics students, particularly highlighting the importance of honing English skills in professional contexts theyʼll encounter in their careers. Prioritizing the study of English-language professional terminology within the curriculum is deemed crucial for economics students. This specialization offers an alternative to the communicative approach, bridging the gap between general language proficiency and mastery of economic language. Recommendations encompass implementing interdisciplinary approaches to teaching English terminology and fostering collaboration among instructors to enhance studentsʼ language and professional skill development. Furthermore, emphasizing innovative teaching methods, such as interactive technologies and virtual resources, is deemed instrumental in heightening student engagement and activity in the learning process. These approaches are considered vital in enhancing studentsʼ ability to comprehend and employ English terminology effectively.


V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


General Medicine

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