The article is devoted to the problem of coherence of the categorical apparatus of researches of the competence approach in the cultural and philosophical context. Researches of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of cultural competence are analyzed by the author. The main approaches to understanding the content and scope of the concept of “cultural competence” are presented. It is determined that the formation of a culturally competent personality is connected with the process of inculturation and socialization, that is, with decoding of cultural codes and social roles that determine the content of socio-cultural existence of a person. Correlation of etymologically similar concepts of “cultural”, “general cultural”, “sociocultural”, “ethnocultural”, “intercultural” and “cross-cultural competence” is carried out. The author has established that general cultural competence, as the individual’s ability to navigate in the spiritual and cultural space of interpersonal interaction, and sociocultural competence, as the individual’s ability to organize their own life in accordance with social roles and behavioral scenarios, is varieties of cultural competence. A pattern has been established: 1) if the context of the study is a monoethnic cultural space, then the concept of “ethnocultural” and “cultural competence” is synonyms, and this does not require their differentiation; 2) if the context of the study is a multiethnic culture, then the concept of “ethnocultural” and “cultural competence” must be distinguished semantically. The communicative skills of the individual are an important aspect of the formation of cultural competence. The article argues that the realization of intercultural competence takes place in the space of communicative interaction. Cultural and intercultural competences have been identified as both coherent and relevant phenomena; and that the concepts of “cultural” and “cross-cultural competence” are concepts of different cognitive order. The relation of intercultural to cross-cultural competence is also not synonymous. Cross-cultural competence as a fact of communicative interaction is a semantic part of intercultural competence for which, in addition to communication, it is important to be aware of its causes and consequences.
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
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