The Influence of Deformation Phase-Space on Spectra of Heavy Quarkonia in Improved Energy Potential at Finite Temperature Model of Shrodinger Equation Via the Generalized Boob’s Shift Method and Standard Perturbation Theory


Maireche AbdelmadjidORCID


In this work, we obtain solutions of the deformed Schrödinger equation (DSE) with improved internal energy potential at a finite temperature model in a 3-dimensional nonrelativistic noncommutative phase-space (3D-NRNCPS) symmetries framework, using the generalized Bopp’s shift method in the case of perturbed nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics (pNRQCD). The modified bound state energy spectra are obtained for the heavy quarkonium system such as charmonium cc- and bottomonium bb- at finite temperature. It is found that the perturbative solutions of the discrete spectrum are sensible to the discreet atomic quantum numbers (j,l,s,m)  of the  ( QQ- (Q=c,b)) state, the parameters of internal energy potential (T,αs(T), mD (T),β,c), which are the Debye screening mass mD (T), the running coupling constant αs(T) the critical temperature β, the free parameter c in addition to noncommutativity parameters (Θ,θ-). The new Hamiltonian operator in 3D-NRNCPS symmetries is composed of the corresponding operator in commutative phase-space and three additive parts for spin-orbit interaction, the new magnetic interaction, and the rotational Fermi-term. The obtained energy eigenvalues are applied to obtain the mass spectra of heavy quarkonium systems (cc- and bb-). The total complete degeneracy of the new energy levels of the improved internal energy potential changed to become equal to the new value 3n2 in 3D-NRNCPS symmetries instead of the value n2  in the symmetries of 3D-NRQM. Our non-relativistic results obtained from DSE will possibly be compared with the Dirac equation in high-energy physics.


V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


General Physics and Astronomy,General Materials Science







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