Agriculture Specialization as the Driving Force for Evolutional Transformation of Neoecology in Noocology



The specialization of agriculture, which has long been regarded as an economic category, is today gaining a new meaning - environmental content, becoming a link between human nutritional needs and the ability of natural ecosystems to address these problems. Purpose. To substantiate the scientific need to "fit in" the specialization of agriculture in the dynamics of natural ecosystems on the complex path of their transformation into agroecosystems. Results. The process of interaction between nature and society (movement) in planetary space-time is represented as two of its main components - nature and society. One of the main causes of the environmental problem lies in the different speeds of development of nature and society. The result of this difference is necessarily "delayed" in the geographical space. Such "prints" were found in the Kharkiv region, where the dynamics of agroecosystems were studied. Because the boundaries of agro-ecosystems are constructive, that is, they are constantly changing, they form their spatial entities, different from administrative boundaries. But in natural ecosystems, adaptation mechanisms are much more sophisticated, primarily because of the multilevel nature of natural communities as opposed to the monoculture practiced in agroecosystems. Adaptive agroecosystems are widely used to solve the environmental problems of modern agriculture, in which widespread consideration, full steam crop rotation, biodiversity increases, manure is completely utilized, biomethods are applied. Actually, adaptation is the search for such forms of agriculture that would meet the natural capabilities of a certain area. Conclusions. In the course of noospherogenesis, the species "Homo Sapiens" has formed its own, no less natural, ecosystem - an agroecosystem that has undergone a complex evolution. Given that agriculture is the closest in terms of material-energy relations to the natural ecosystems of the industry, the search for such forms of management (specialization) that would meet the natural capabilities of a particular area is probably the main task, the solution of which will promote a balanced use of the agro-sphere. From the point of view of the theory and methodology of environmental science, noospheric ecosystems, among which the closest to the natural ones are agroecosystems, have already been formed and can become the object of research that will bring neo-ecology known to domestic ecologists, but not generally observed.


V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

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