
Denysiuk Anastasiia1ORCID


1. Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine


The problem of building a political dialogue in the conditions of a political crisis is considered. The concepts of «dialogue», «political dialogue», and «compromise» are analyzed. Attention is focused on the problem of building a dialogue between states during the war. The attributes of political dialogue that allow creating a platform for mutual understanding are highlighted. These are: the presence of two or more participants with their characteristics and differences; mutual exchange of information, subject to the opportunity to speak; readiness to understand the point of view of the other party; development of a common language, dialogue conditions, or other features; the presence of a third party as a guarantor of compliance with international law and approval of the agreements reached. The informational and psychological aspect of the political crisis is analyzed. The informational and psychological aspect of the political crisis is analyzed. The importance of preparing citizens for political dialogue is determined. Cause-and-effect relationships between the use of information and communication technologies and the effectiveness of political dialogue between participants in a political conflict at the interstate level have been revealed. The main components of informational and psychological warfare, which must be taken into account in order to build a political dialogue, are highlighted. The information and communication technologies used by the Russian Federation in the war against Ukraine are analyzed. Factors that may become the basis of civilized interaction in the future are considered. Effective mechanisms of political dialogue are defined.


V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


Computer Networks and Communications,Hardware and Architecture,Software

Reference10 articles.

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4. Rotar, N. 2007. Dialogic forms of political participation: prerequisites and prospects of formation in Ukraine. Political management. Kyiv. 1: 75-92 (in Ukrainian).

5. Kornienko, V. O., Denysiuk, A. V. 2015. Peculiarities, significance and conditions of dialogue implementation in the space of political relations. Gilea: Scientific Bulletin. Kyiv: Gilea. 100: 241-244 (in Ukrainian)







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