
Oliinyk Olena1ORCID


1. National University of Water Management and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine


In the scientific article, the author investigated the approaches of domestic and foreign scientists to the definition of "intellectual migration" and its impact on the innovative development of the country. The author analysed the dynamics and structure of the number of issued first employment permits for migrants from Ukraine in the countries of the European Union. The share of first permits for intellectual migrants from Ukraine (EU Blue Card, highly qualified workers and researchers) on average for 27 EU countries was 0.25% in 2021. The structural analysis in the regional section made it possible to assert the priority of employment of highly educated Ukrainians in 2021 in such EU countries as Cyprus, the Netherlands, Austria, and Luxembourg. In order to analyse trends in intellectual migration in Ukraine, the author used the indicators "Brain gain" and "Brain retention" in The Global Talent Competitiveness Index, "Human Flight and Brain Drain" in The Fragile States Index. The value of the indicators and their dynamic analysis made it possible to position Ukraine as a donor country of intellectual migrants for other countries. The author investigated the relationship between indicators of intellectual migration and innovative development of the country, the basic indicator of which is The Global Innovation Index. The obtained values of pairwise correlation coefficients demonstrate a close relationship between intellectual migration and innovative development of the country, as the calculated values exceed |0.7|. The obtained results proved the negative effect of the departure of highly qualified persons abroad on the innovative capacity of the native country (-0.838) and the positive effect of the arrival of intellectual migrants to the country of destination (0.731). In order to detail the relationship, the author developed an economic-mathematical model of the form y=-4.5662х+60.153, which proves that with the increase in the value of the indicator "Human Flight and Brain Drain" in The Global Talent Competitiveness Index, the value of the Global Innovation Index decreases.


V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


General Economics, Econometrics and Finance

Reference21 articles.

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