Analysis of the progress of simulation training in the molding readiness of future doctors to practical activity


Bichkov Sergii1ORCID,Tsivenko Olexii1ORCID,Cherkova Nataliia1ORCID,Dushyk Liudmyla1ORCID


1. V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine


The article substantiates that the competence approach and the resulting paradigm in higher medical education can be ensured through the implementation of effective pedagogical technologies that will direct the efforts of future specialists to self-development and self-improvement in professional activity, based on the acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The content of simulation technologies and the experience of their application in the world and domestic educational space are considered. An analysis of the use of the "standardized patient" method was carried out on the example of training conducted with students of the 6th year at the Department of Surgical Diseases of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. The ethics, effectiveness, and value of involving the simulation practice "standardized patient" both during practicing the practical skills of future doctors and during the certification assessment were analyzed. The expediency of introducing simulation technologies into educational programs in the medical direction is substantiated, in particular when training specialists in order to increase the level of professionalism of future specialists in the field of health care. Conclusions were made about the perspective and expediency of further research in the direction of the introduction of simulation technologies as one of the aspects of active learning and control. The basis for this is the appropriate level of theoretical knowledge, which allows expanding the range of practical interaction of future specialists and raising the level of professionalism in the branch of health care. Conclusions were made about the perspective and expediency of further research in the direction of the introduction of simulation technologies as one of the aspects of active learning and control. The basis for this is the appropriate level of theoretical knowledge, which allows expanding the range of practical interaction of future specialists and raising the level of professionalism in the branch of health care.


V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


Process Chemistry and Technology,Economic Geology,Fuel Technology

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