The place of xenotransplantation among existing other kinds of transplantation



The article is devoted to the search for possible ways to overcome the transplantation crisis in Ukraine. The uncertainty of the legislative settlement of the issue of transplantation and the existing shortage of donor organs are shown. The role of xenotransplantation in solving this problem is economically justified. The introduction of CRISPR-Cas9 technology in Ukraine is perspective for simplification and cheaper editing of the genome of farm animals in order to xenotransplantation. Xenograft is a promising trend in modern transplantology, which is given attention by scientists from many countries of the world. The demand for donor organs is inelastic, so this problem is financially sound and needs to be resolved by introducing effective mechanisms of state regulation of this issue. Ukraine has the opportunity to implement the xenotransplantation method, taking into account recent discoveries in genetics, molecular biology and medicine that make genome editing cheaper and more affordable. We also consider it expedient to send Ukrainian students within the Bologna process of studying in foreign higher educational institutions and genetic centers to study the future developments of this area of ​​research, further its improvement and implementation in Ukraine.


V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

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