Validation of the scale of essentiality/infernality (E/I) questionnaire for the diagnosis of essential self-regulation (QDES)


Kocharian I.1ORCID


1. V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine


The article is devoted to the study of the validity of one of the scales of the QDES psychodiagnostic method "Questionnaire for the diagnosis of essential self-regulation" - Essentiality/Infernality (E/I). The construct Essentiality/Infernality is a constituent element of the concept of essential self-regulation, which ensures the realization of a person's tendency to self-actualization. Essentiality is the result of a person's conscious or unconscious choice towards personal growth and development, the realization of a true tendency towards self-actualization. Such a choice can be called essential. The antagonist of the true tendency to self-actualization is the infernal choice - towards the distortion of the tendency to self-actualization. E/I is a special scale that is aimed at determining the ability of the examinee to choose communicative messages that have signs of essentiality - essential self-actualization, or, on the contrary, to choose messages that have signs of infernality - distorted self-actualization. That is, the ability to either make an essential choice in life or an infernal one. The work presents the tasks of the scale, the signs of essentiality and infernality are provided. The tasks of the E/I scale differ from the tasks of other scales of the QDES method. In general, the QDES technique is built on the basis of statements with which the examinees either agree or disagree. The tasks of the E/I scale are built on the basis of the statements of prominent persons - people who realized themselves in the profession (writers, philosophers, psychologists, etc.) and people with distorted self-actualization - serial killers. Each task is evaluated for the presence of essential and infernal features. The results of a correlational study of the E/I scale and other scales of the QDES methodology and 15 other psychodiagnostic methodologies are given. Descriptors of the E/I scale among other scales of the QDES methodology are defined. The result of the work is confirmation of the criterion validity of the E/I scale.


V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


Geriatrics and Gerontology

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