Structural and functional indices of isolated hepatocytes of rats in the presence of nanoparticles based on europium and gadolinium



The effect of nanoparticles based on europium and gadolinium GdVO4:Eu3+(-) on the pro-antioxidant balance and the activity of a number of enzymes of isolated rat hepatocytes was studied. The relevance of the work is connected with research aimed at studying the mechanisms of interaction of nanoparticles with components of cells of biological objects. To correct some metabolic disturbances, redox-active nanoparticles based on rare-earth metals are promising. Some of them are nanoparticles based on europium and gadolinium GdVO4:Eu3+(-). These nanoparticles have a spherical shape, a charge, can penetrate into cells, are redoxactive. However, it is not known with which molecules and supramolecular complexes they can interact and through this affect metabolism. The purpose of this study was to study the pro-antioxidant balance, the activity of glutathione metabolism enzymes, as well as the activity of some enzymes of rat hepatocyte nitrogen exchange in the presence of europium-based gadolinium and gadolinium GdVO4:Eu3+(-). Hepatocytes were incubated with nanoparticles for 2 and 14 hours, then lysed, and in lysates, LPO parameters, catalase and enzyme metabolism of glutathione, SH group content, activity of nitrogen exchange enzymes – alanine-, aspartate-, tyrosine aminotransferases and arginase were determined. In the incubation medium, the activity of LDH and aminotransferases as markers of membrane damage was determined. It was established that incubation with nanoparticles did not cause LPO enhancement and damage of plasma membranes of hepatocytes. The effect of these nanoparticles on the content of thiol groups and the activity of glutathione metabolism enzymes has been revealed, which may indicate their ability to influence the state of the glutathione unit of the antioxidant defense system. The incubation of hepatocytes with nanoparticles had practically no effect on the activity of the enzymes of nitrogen metabolism, which is evidence of the local action of nanoparticles based on europium and gadolinium GdVO4:Eu3+(-) in cells.


V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

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