Conceptual integration as a mechanism of formation and intertextual functioning of the “blood, sweat and tears” quotation


Nefyodova Olena1ORCID,Shorokhova Polina1


1. V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine


The article researches into the conceptually underpinned formation and intertextual instantiation of the quotation “blood, sweat and tears”, which has a high reference potential for English-speaking cultures. Conceptual integration processes are key for the emergence of the metaphtonymic meaning of the quotation and its compositional stability, transformation potential and models of intertextual instantiation. The metaphtonymic meaning of this quotation is shaped as a result of conceptual integration of three input spaces, represented by the metaphtonymies BLOOD (for ‘human sacrifice’), SWEAT (for ‘human toil’) and TEARS (for ‘human suffering’), which blend to generate the meaning “backbreaking painful sacrifice”. The specific metaphtonymy underpinning the emergence of the “blood, sweat and tears” quote guides its intertextual instantiation as a result of the processes of conceptual integration following the metaphoric “container” model, verbalized with the verbs “to put”/”to pour”. The quote under analysis is predominantly used in publicistic texts, as such context provides their authors with an opportunity to create a positive association with the personality of Winston Churchill, who used it in his famous speech as a model British Prime-Minister figure and thus enabled its further intertextual functioning. Intertextual instantiation of the “blood, sweat and tears” quotation can be modelled as a multi-scope blend generating multi-dimensional meanings. The adopted research perspective unlocks the explanatory potential of the theory of intertextuality due to the application of the theory of conceptual blending to the processes of formation and intertextual instantiation of the quotation as a referenced phenomenon.


V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

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