
Rusakova I.V.1ORCID


1. Verhnevolzhsky Federal Agricultural Research Center


The article reviews the main results of scientific research in the country and abroad on the evaluation of microbiological preparations-destructors of post-harvest plant residues in agroecjsistems. It is shown that plant remains are the most important resource for reproduction of arable soils fertility. The most environmentally feasible and cost-effective way to recycle them is to enclose in the soil as a fertilizer, providing a return to the agrobiological circulation of nutrients and organic matter. One way to accelerate the decomposition and increase of the humification coefficient of post-harvest residues, which has become widespread in recent years in the practice of the agro-industrial complex, can be inoculation with microbiological destructive preparations before being embedded in the soil. The data of many authors confirm that the use of biopreparations promotes the acceleration of decomposition of high-carbon plant residues and a decrease in their negative effect, an increase in soil biogenicity, and an increase in the yield of subsequent crops. The most active biopreparations "work" in the initial terms of decomposition, in conditions of humidity and temperature optimal for the microbiota. The effectiveness of biopreparations increases in combination with compensating doses of nitrogen. Along with positive results, in scientific publications there are data on the lack of influence of biological products on the rate of straw decomposition. It is concluded that biologics-destructors can be used in agricultural practice to treat stubble and straw before it is application in the soil in order to accelerate the decomposition, increase the yield of subsequent crops. For a better understanding of mechanisms action of biologics, preparation of recommendations for their practical use, further experimental studies are needed in field and laboratory conditions.


Scientia Publishing House LTD


General Medicine

Reference41 articles.

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