1. Lutsk National Technical University
In modern conditions of growth of negative influence on logistic activity of the enterprise of unpredictable factors, there is a necessity in their timely identification for maintenance of high efficiency of administrative process. Taking into account information-analytical, economic, logistical and purely managerial aspects in modern conditions allows considering diagnostics in the management system of logistic activity of the enterprise as a special tool of information-analytical support of managerial activity. Its use is designed to ensure timely identification of possible losses from the rhythm movement of material, financial and information flows from the point of their origin to the point of consumption, based on the use of appropriate methodological tools, in order to avoid them in operational, tactical and strategic perspective through the use of advanced tools and technologies of management.
The growing instability, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of the market environment, which significantly reduces the efficiency of logistics activity of the enterprise, is the primary root reason for strengthening the role of diagnostics in the management system of logistics activity of the enterprise. Thus, on the one hand, diagnostics is one of the functions of managing the logistics activity of the enterprise, ensuring the formation of a system of information and analytical support for the process of justification of management decisions. On the other hand, diagnostics is designed to ensure the achievement of the system of goals of management activity, the end result of which is to increase the efficiency of management of logistics activity of the enterprise.
The results of such diagnostics serve as a reliable basis for the development or adjustment of short-term and long-term plans for the movement of material, financial and information flows, establishing control points for continuous monitoring of logistics activity. Timely receipt of relevant information ensures the implementation of additional opportunities and overcoming the threat of losses by identifying them at an early stage in the logistics management of the enterprise. To increase the efficiency of management, it is also advisable to use a scientific-applied model of management of logistics activity of the enterprise based on the use of diagnostics results.
Publishing House Helvetica (Publications)
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