1. Odessa National Maritime University
The paper examines the export of grain cargo (for example, wheat) for the company "Nibulon". The authors considered the delivery of wheat from the grain elevators of the Nibulon company to Asian countries, with which a contract for the supply of grain with an intermediate stage-transshipment in the ports of Odessa, Yuzhny and Nikolaev. The task of the supplier company is to ensure that the conditions for grain delivery are met in accordance with the concluded contracts with importing countries, as well as to select transshipment ports and justify the type of vehicles used in the delivery of grain cargo flow from grain elevators to transshipment ports, by forming optimal delivery schemes.The specified cargo is transported from elevators to transshipment ports by rail, road and river transport. In international traffic, transportation is carried out by sea transport. To calculate the logistics schemes for the delivery of export cargo, an economic and mathematical model of a two-stage transport problem was formed. The article formulated the transport problem of grain delivery from grain elevators through transshipment ports to the destination country (port). Cargo delivery is carried out in a mixed connection (Sea part of the way and land). Cargo transshipment can be carried out in ports. A route of cargo delivery from senders to recipients was chosen,and a mode of transport that provides overall minimal costs. As a result of solving the problem according to the compiled economic and mathematical model, logistics schemes for the delivery of export cargo flow of wheat from the grain elevators of the Nibulon company through the ports of the Black Sea region to the importing countries of the Asian region were formed. The calculated economic effect showed that using the new optimal route, it is possible not only to get the previous profit, but also to reduce transportation costs on all routes. Taking into account the share of cargo traffic assigned to river transport, we can conclude that grain transportation along the Dnieper river by river transport is a promising option for the development of river export grain logistics in Ukraine.
Publishing House Helvetica (Publications)
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