
Pryima Svitlana1,Mishchuk Nataliia1


1. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


The paper highlights the approaches of scientists, whose works are now considered classic, to the study of socio-economic processes in society, their functioning, and regulation. To solve modern problems of socio-economic development, bypass them, or form a mechanism for managing them, it is necessary to know the history of economic thought in this regard. It is necessary to refer to the experience preserved mainly in the research and conclusions of scientists, scientific schools, and their followers. Modern scientists analyze the effects of socio-economic processes and their role in society's development but ignore the directions and methods of their knowledge. The study made it possible to compare the methodology of studying socio-economic processes by representatives of many fields and schools, including the ancient Greek writer and historian Xenophon, the ancient Greek scientist-encyclopedist, philosopher and founder of classical logic Aristotle, mercantilists, economists, political scientists, and physiocrats. D. Ricardo, the representative of the neoclassical trend A. Marshall, the founder of institutionalism T. Veblen, American economist, representative of the old institutional and Keynesian currents J. K. Galbraith, American economist, representative of neo-institutionalism. O. Williamson, American economists D. North, M. Friedman, English economist J. M. Keynes, German economist-theorist L.V. Erhard, Italian economist F. Modigliani. The analysis provided more information on the scientific tools used to indicate that all areas and schools study the relationships of people and groups in the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods with constantly limited resources. As a result, it can be concluded that economic processes are closely related to social at all stages of society. The level of economic development affects the social processes that take place in the state and vice versa. Modern models of research of socio-economic processes were formed under the influence of relevant factors of social development and take into account the historical systemic vision of socio-economic processes and phenomena.


Publishing House Helvetica (Publications)


General Medicine

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