In the current military conditions, the problem of combining human intelligence and the capabilities of information and computer technologies is more relevant than ever. Such interaction will allow to create self-managed innovative communities, which provide for the coordinated interaction of business, authorities and the population. The work established that the increase in the competitiveness of innovative communities under the influence of digitalization will not happen as quickly as we would like. This is due to the fact that for the efficient operation of the system under the influence of the fourth industrial revolution, time is needed for its adaptation to the new order. And furthermore, the benefits of digital services do not have a market value and are not captured in overall performance and performance assessments. The work considers a new criterion according to which the population is grouped depending on its attitude and the possibilities of using the latest research in the field of technology - the socio-technographic factor of segmentation. It has been determined what potential benefits business entities can receive from the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies. It has been determined which 4.0 technologies are relevant today. It is indicated what steps should be taken by authorities and business entities for the development of innovative communities. They have been ranked. It has been established that the general increase in the level of technological capability will have an effective result only when the majority of the population has access to the latest technologies.
Publishing House Helvetica (Publications)
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