
Роледерс ВікторіяORCID


The purpose of the study is the formation of a modern conceptual approach to the management of anticipatory development of the innovative potential of enterprises in the conditions of transformations. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was made up of the following methods: comparison and systematization - to determine the components of the development of the potential of enterprises in the coordination of the economic interests of the participants; deductions - to highlight individual elements of the circular economy as a prerequisite for the development of innovative potential; analysis and synthesis - to substantiate the scientific approach to determining the strategic directions of development of the potential of enterprises. Modern economic processes determine the need to influence the activities of all business entities, in particular, in terms of strategy and tactics. The problem of planning and forecasting the development of the company's potential is aimed at strengthening existing competitive advantages provided by the circular economy. The article substantiates the need to ensure the systemic nature of the development of the company's potential, which will allow for the activation of adaptation changes processes. Prospective directions for the modernization and renewal of the production and commercial process have been determined as a result of the improvement of organizational support for the development of potential for the implementation of innovation. The components of the development of the company's potential in the conditions of the circular economy are substantiated, which include: the economic interests of the participants, the effectiveness of the activity, measures to improve the components. There is a well-founded need to form and implement measures to update the components of the company's potential in their organic combination, to create the basis for an effective "vision" of the company's own development and opportunities for adequate assessment of the weak and strong sides of the company's potential. Proposed and substantiated strategic directions for the development of the company's potential in the conditions of the circular economy. The obtained research results allow enterprises to use the advantages of the circular economy, improve their activities in competitive market segments and maintain competitive advantages based on the development of their potential, taking into account the economic interests of the participants.


Publishing House Helvetica (Publications)


General Medicine

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