The purpose of this paper is to test and evaluate how much influence Audit Tenure, Audit Opinion, Public Accounting Firm Reputation, Auditor Switching, and Auditor Industry Specialization as moderator variable has on Audit Report Lag. This research uses Indonesian Stock Exchange data as the population of this study and to examine the companies in the food and beverage sector. This research uses quantitative methodology and secondary sources. In 2021, the Indonesian Stock Exchange is expected to list 39 food and beverage companies. The sample size for this study was 22 food and beverage companies and 110 data were used as samplesand was selected using the purposive sampling method. This research utilizes SPSS version 26 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for its statistical analytical needs.This reasearch data analysis uses moderated regression analysis.In this research variable such as Audit Tenure, Audit Opinion, Public Accounting Firm Reputation, Auditor Switching, Auditor Industry Specialization and Audit Report Lag’s Indicator was based on previous studies. Audit tenure is measured by the length of the KAP's engagement with the same auditee. Audit Opinion using the nominal ratio of type opinion given. Public Accounting Firm Reputation indicator’s wheter a company using Big4 as their auditor or not. Auditor Switching indicator’s if company changing its KAP is given code 1, if not 0. Auditor Industry Specialization using SPEC formulation as the indicator. And for the dependent variable, Audit Report Lag measured in days from the date of the closing of company the book until the date of financial report is published to the public.According to this study, longer audit tenure resulted in longer audit report lag. There is no statistically significant correlation between audit report lag and variables audit opinion, audit firm reputation, or auditor switching. There is a positive and statistically significant relationship between audit tenure and auditor industry specialization as a moderation variable with audit report lag. Auditor industry specialization can not moderate the impact of audit opinion, KAP reputation, and auditor turnover on audit report lag.
Publishing House Helvetica (Publications)
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