The article is devoted to the study of the relationship between the organizational culture of the enterprise and the motivation of its personnel in military conditions. The role of organizational culture in the motivation of enterprises’ employees is analyzed. It is actual now because military actions forced many people to reconsider their values and showed the importance of intangible aspects of people's life. The purpose of the article was to substantiate the importance of the formation of organizational culture at the enterprise as a factor influencing the general motivation of the staff. The conducted survey made it possible to assess the level of organizational culture at the enterprises The analysis of the relationship between the level of satisfaction with material incentives and the factors determining the organizational culture at the enterprise made it possible to prove that the organizational culture really affects the motivation of the enterprises’ under the conditions of martial state. The authors proposed the implementation of measures to improve organizational culture at the enterprise to increase the level of employees’ motivation.
Publishing House Helvetica (Publications)
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